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Year-end and New Year holidays and delivery within the year
Year-end and New Year holidays and delivery within the year




    A limited time POPUP of accessory brand “HUMSE” has started. There are over 100 items, mainly silver accessories, and many one-of-a-kind items. Please come and find your own treasure.
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  • 日々のうつわ展

    Daily Pottery Exhibition

    Furuya Pottery's utensils make your daily tea and meals a time of healing. POP-UP will begin with more than 40 pots, plates, vases, etc., including rust glaze and lapis lazuli glaze, centering on the popular powdered tableware.
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  • マクラメレースコレクション4

    Macrame lace collection 4

    We will be holding the 4th POPUP of macrame artist Sawa Matsuda. At this POP-UP, we will be introducing products that use colors that have never been seen before. You can feel the new world of Sawa Matsuda.
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