original price ¥3,080 - original price ¥3,520original price¥3,080 - ¥3,520¥3,080 - ¥3,520Current Price ¥3,080| /日常にちょっとした特別感を添えるガラスドーム ふっくらと丸みを帯びたガラスドーム。内部にゆったりと空間があるので、ケーキや焼き菓子などを入れることができます。質感の良い透明ガラスと、丸い持ち手が愛らしく、ちょっとした特別感を加えてくれます。アクセサリーや小さなオブジェを飾っても素敵です◎ ...
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NIDO Pizza plate
original price ¥3,960 - original price ¥3,960original price¥3,960¥3,960 - ¥3,960Current Price ¥3,960| /シンプルに日常に寄り添う、木のプレート 上質なチーク材で仕立てられた温もりを感じるピザプレート。使いやすい直径30cmのサイズは、ピザはもちろん、チーズやフルーツ、オードブルなど、さまざまな料理の盛り付けに最適です。木目の自然な美しさが楽しめるシンプルなデザインは、食材の美しさを引き立てる...
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NIDO Round tray
original price ¥3,960 - original price ¥3,960original price¥3,960¥3,960 - ¥3,960Current Price ¥3,960| /シンプルに日常に寄り添う、木のトレイ 上質なチーク材で仕立てられた温もりを感じる円形のトレイ。一般的な直径30cmのサイズは、使い勝手が良く、日常に取り入れやすいアイテムです。シンプルなデザインは食卓だけでなく、さまざまなインテリアやシーンで活躍します。ラウンド型のフォルムが持つ柔らかな印...
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NIDO Snack Bowl
original price ¥1,980 - original price ¥2,530original price¥1,980 - ¥2,530¥1,980 - ¥2,530Current Price ¥1,980| /シンプルに日常に寄り添う、木のお箸と器のセット 上質なチーク材で仕立てられた温もりを感じる器セット。チーク材特有の温かみと深みのある木目が、器の美しさを引き立てます。 器の片側にはお箸を通すための穴がデザインされており、お箸を通すだけで箸置きとしても機能するユニークな構造。この一体型デザイ...
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NIDO Cocktail spoons
original price ¥770 - original price ¥770original price¥770¥770 - ¥770Current Price ¥770| /シンプルに日常に寄り添う、木のスプーン 一本の材を加工した贅沢な作りのスプーン。チーク材特有の温かみと深みのある木目を活かした素朴な風合いが特徴です。 長さ約21cmのスプーンは、カクテルを混ぜるための使いやすさはもちろん、長さがあることでグラスの底までしっかりと届き、余分な力をかけずにス...
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NIDO Display Bowl
original price ¥3,960 - original price ¥4,950original price¥3,960 - ¥4,950¥3,960 - ¥4,950Current Price ¥3,960| /シンプルに日常に寄り添う、木製ディスプレイボウル 上質なチーク材をひとつ一つ丁寧にくり抜き、自然の形状を生かしたフォルムが特徴のボウル。ワイルドな個性を持ちながらも、どこか愛らしさを感じる佇まいが魅力です。NIDO(ニド)シリーズの素材感と実用性をしっかりと引き継ぎつつ、厚みとユニークなシ...
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NIDO Tsudou plate | Cheek Plate
original price ¥3,520 - original price ¥3,520original price¥3,520¥3,520 - ¥3,520Current Price ¥3,520| /A luxurious, seamless long plate made from a single piece NIDO is a series of luxurious cutlery and plates that are handcrafted from a single pie...
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NIDO Spoon | Cheek Spoon
original price ¥880 - original price ¥1,200original price¥880 - ¥1,200¥880 - ¥1,200Current Price ¥880| /A luxurious spoon made from a single piece with no seams NIDO is a series of luxurious cutlery and plates that are handcrafted from a single piec...
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NIDO Plate maru | Cheek Plate
original price ¥1,210 - original price ¥3,960original price¥1,210 - ¥3,960¥1,210 - ¥3,960Current Price ¥1,210| /A luxurious, seamless round plate made from a single piece NIDO is a series of luxurious cutlery and plates that are handcrafted from a single pi...
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NIDO Rigid Plate | Cheek Plate
original price ¥1,760 - original price ¥3,960original price¥1,760 - ¥3,960¥1,760 - ¥3,960Current Price ¥1,760| /A luxurious, seamless, one-piece square plate NIDO is a series of luxurious cutlery and plates that are handcrafted from a single piece of wood w...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | unjour nuit cup
original price ¥3,080 - original price ¥3,080original price¥3,080¥3,080 - ¥3,080Current Price ¥3,080| /Unjour mug representing yumiko iihoshi porcelain ``Unjour'' is a popular series representing yumiko iihoshi porcelain. Unjour means "one day" in F...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | unjour plate (rainy gray)
original price ¥2,200 - original price ¥4,950original price¥2,200 - ¥4,950¥2,200 - ¥4,950Current Price ¥2,200| /In the morning, in the afternoon, late at night. Plate series representing yumiko iihoshi porcelain ``Unjour'' is a popular series representing yu...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | unjour plate (nami)
original price ¥2,200 - original price ¥4,950original price¥2,200 - ¥4,950¥2,200 - ¥4,950Current Price ¥2,200| /In the morning, in the afternoon, late at night. Plate series representing yumiko iihoshi porcelain ``Unjour'' is a popular series representing yu...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | unjour plate (suna)
original price ¥2,200 - original price ¥4,950original price¥2,200 - ¥4,950¥2,200 - ¥4,950Current Price ¥2,200| /In the morning, in the afternoon, late at night. Plate series representing yumiko iihoshi porcelain ``Unjour'' is a popular series representing y...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | 'Colored' aluminum rectangle tray (old green)
original price ¥4,620 - original price ¥4,620original price¥4,620¥4,620 - ¥4,620Current Price ¥4,620| /A tray that is extremely useful for both serving and displaying. This tray is characterized by the lightness that can only be achieved using alumi...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | 'Colored' aluminum rectangle tray (valley gray)
original price ¥4,620 - original price ¥4,620original price¥4,620¥4,620 - ¥4,620Current Price ¥4,620| /A tray that is extremely useful for both serving and displaying. This tray is characterized by the lightness that can only be achieved using alumi...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | 'Colored' aluminum rectangle tray (dove white)
original price ¥4,620 - original price ¥4,620original price¥4,620¥4,620 - ¥4,620Current Price ¥4,620| /A tray that is extremely useful for both serving and displaying. This tray is characterized by the lightness that can only be achieved using alumi...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | 'Colored' aluminum round tray (old green)
original price ¥1,540 - original price ¥1,870original price¥1,540 - ¥1,870¥1,540 - ¥1,870Current Price ¥1,540| /Great for serving and displaying. Round trays are a great choice. This tray is characterized by the lightness that can only be achieved using alum...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | 'Colored' aluminum round tray (valley gray)
original price ¥1,540 - original price ¥1,870original price¥1,540 - ¥1,870¥1,540 - ¥1,870Current Price ¥1,540| /Great for serving and displaying. Round trays are a great choice. This tray is characterized by the lightness that can only be achieved using alum...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | 'Colored' aluminum round tray (dove white)
original price ¥1,540 - original price ¥1,870original price¥1,540 - ¥1,870¥1,540 - ¥1,870Current Price ¥1,540| /Great for serving and displaying. Round trays are a great choice. This tray is characterized by the lightness that can only be achieved using alum...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | Oval plate (moon gray)
original price ¥2,200 - original price ¥4,400original price¥2,200 - ¥4,400¥2,200 - ¥4,400Current Price ¥2,200| /Fits anything ◎ yumiko iihoshi porcelain masterpiece plate Oval plates that are deep and beautiful when stacked. After many prototypes, it has bee...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | Oval plate (mist beige)
original price ¥2,200 - original price ¥4,400original price¥2,200 - ¥4,400¥2,200 - ¥4,400Current Price ¥2,200| /Fits anything ◎ yumiko iihoshi porcelain masterpiece plate Oval plates that are deep and beautiful when stacked. After many prototypes, it has bee...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | Oval plate (dew white)
original price ¥2,200 - original price ¥4,400original price¥2,200 - ¥4,400¥2,200 - ¥4,400Current Price ¥2,200| /Fits anything ◎ yumiko iihoshi porcelain masterpiece plate Oval plates that are deep and beautiful when stacked. After many prototypes, it has b...
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yumiko iihoshi porcelain | my mug(satoru)
original price ¥3,080 - original price ¥3,080original price¥3,080¥3,080 - ¥3,080Current Price ¥3,080| /A mug with a story that designer Satoru uses at his desk A mug is a particularly personal item among tableware that is used repeatedly every day. ...
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