受注生産 送料無料
Flow sofa in oiled leather
original price ¥374,000 - original price ¥495,000original price¥374,000 - ¥495,000¥374,000 - ¥495,000Current Price ¥374,000| /Oil leather sofa that changes with age Flow sofa oil leather combines oil leather with an oak frame. The streamlined form that fits your wrist gi...
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受注生産 送料無料
Flow 1P sofa oil leather
original price ¥198,000 - original price ¥198,000original price¥198,000¥198,000 - ¥198,000Current Price ¥198,000| /Oil leather sofa that changes with age Richly grained oak wood. A lattice frame with good ventilation. Beautifully curved arms that fit your arm p...
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